Automatic integrations make your life easier. 🎈Just log in to your account, and the rest is magic! For example, Spiky has integrations for different video conferencing tools — you must select your daily tool and connect your account. Then, you can access your cloud videos from your video conferencing tools and upload them quickly to the platform.
If your video conferencing tool is Microsoft Teams, you are in the right spot. This document is here to improve your Spiky experience with Teams.
Find articles about the usage of the Teams integration in the Spiky platform.
Disable Microsoft Teams integration
Find the tips to improve your Teams and Spiky platform experience.
Integrate Teams into your Google Calendar
Create new meetings on Google Calendar
Find valuable guides for deeper information.
Find frequently answered questions about Teams.
<aside> ⚠️ Do you have more questions but couldn’t find the answer in this article? Contact us through [email protected] 🙂 And let us know if you have a feature suggestion 🥳