You can disable the Zoom integration from the Spiky platform. Please note that after you disable the Zoom integration, you can still be able to access your previously uploaded videos and analysis or remove your previously uploaded Zoom videos and analyses on the platform. However, if you choose to remove the videos and analyses, you might not be able to recover them.

You will have two options to disable the Zoom integration from the Spiky platform.

Disable the Zoom integration in the platform:

  1. Go to the Spiky platform and click on the Settings icon in the bottom-left corner of the page.



  2. Go to the Integrations tab to disconnect your Zoom account and click on the Disconnect button.


Disable the Zoom integration in the marketplace:

  1. Login to your Zoom account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.
  2. Click Manage > Installed Apps or search for the Spiky Platform.
  3. Click on Spiky Platform.
  4. Click Remove.